
Churches, mosques can resume – Akufo-Addo eases coronavirus restrictions

President Akufo-Addo has announced that religious services can resume, as the government eases restrictions imposed in the fight against the deadly coronavirus.

In his 10th address to the nation, the president said, “With effect from Friday, June 5, 2020, we will begin stage one of the process of easing restrictions. An abridged format of religious activities can commence.

“25% attendance, with a maximum number of 100 congregants, can worship at a time in church or at the mosque, with a mandatory one metre of social distancing between congregants,” he stated.

The president also said that the maximum hours for the service should be one hour.

This, according to him, would help prevent the spread of the virus as Ghanaians continue to adhere to the safety protocols.

To buttress his point, the president noted that the country could not live with the said restrictions forever and thus the need to find a safe way to return to normalcy.

He further directed religious bodies to fumigate and put in place the requisite logistics needed to guarantee safe opening and operation.

Meanwhile Ghana’s coronavirus cases stand at 8,070 with 2,947 recoveries and 36 deaths.

Ghana banned social gatherings of all forms with the exception private burials of 25 people from March 16.

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