
Churches and mosques to be closed down for non-compliance – Dzamesi

The Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Kofi Dzamesi, has stated that the government will shut down churches and mosques that fail to adhere to the new safety protocols.

“A church or mosque that fail to adhere or comply with the said directive will be dealt with appropriately. That church or mosque will be closed down and its leaders held liable,” he stated.

The sector minister added that the heads of religious bodies who failed to comply with the guidelines will also be made to face the full rigours of the law.

He mentioned that the district assembly and monitoring teams will be on standby to ensure compliance with the directives.

Under the new guidelines, churches and mosques are expected to host a maximum 100 worshipers per sessions and must keep a register of attendants.

All churches are expected to enforce the wearing of nose masks and the washing of hands as well as other protocols meant to hold in check the spreading of the disease.

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All churches are also expected to register with the Registrar-General and deposit proof of their registration with the metropolitan, municipal or district assembly in their locality.

A monitoring and evaluation team, he said, will continue to monitor and ensure that news of any outbreak is  given the needed attention it deserved.

He urged the public to call 112 to report suspected cases for contact tracing to kick in.

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President Akufo-Addo, in his 10th address to the nation, said religious bodies are to operate with a maximum of 100 worshipers within a specific metre and also organise the service within one hour.

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