
Chris Wilder charged by FA for referee comments

Sheffield United manager Chris Wilder has been charged by the Football Association for comments he made about referee Tony Harrington after last month’s defeat at Crystal Palace.

Wilder described Harrington’s display on 30 January as “ridiculous” and said he had been told by a Premier League referee before the game that every 50-50 decision would go against them.

The FA said Wilder’s comments constitute improper conduct.

He has until Friday to respond.

The FA said Wilder’s comments “imply bias and/or attack the integrity of the referee, or referees generally, and/or bring the game into disrepute”.

United lost 3-2 at Selhurst Park despite leading twice.

Wilder told BBC Sport after the game: “It’s yet again another ridiculous performance from the referee.

“I was told by a Premier League referee, who I’ve known for a long time and who’s as honest as the day is long. He said every 50-50 decision will go against you.

“We had two bookings in the first half of the game but they weren’t bookings. They were just coming together.

“But I’m not just going to go under the radar and not say anything. I’ve been to see the referee and I’ve told him that.”

Wilder also accused one of Harrington’s assistants of showing a “complete lack of respect” for continuing to eat a sandwich when he went to speak to officials after the game.

“Hopefully he enjoyed his sandwich while he was talking to a Premier League manager,” said Wilder.

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