
Child Rights Int’l appeals to Police to engage families of missing ‘Taadi Girls’

Child Rights International (CRI), a child-centered organisation is appealing to the Police administration to involve equal participation of families of the missing Takoradi girls in their investigation.

A statement signed and issued by the Executive Director of CRI, Mr. Bright Appiah stressed on the need for the police to open up their tentacles and engage the relevant bodies to ascertain the identities of the human remains believed to be those of the missing girls.

It noted, “No matter how the issue was, the families of the missing girls should have participated in the investigative process, indicating that it was unfair for them to have heard the news of the recovered remains believed to be that of the girls in the media”.

The organisation believes that ignoring the participation of the family in the process of the investigation is a disaster and indicated the acceptance of the outcome of the result will largely depend on the level of engagement with the families.

They are therefore suggesting that the police should not sideline or ignore the participation of the families of the missing girls in their investigations nor stop searching for the missing girls until the forensic report goes to confirm the earlier speculations.

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It is the carrier of genetic information.

It determines the particular structure and functions of every cell and is responsible for characteristics being passed on from parents to their children.

This is how its analysis helps with authentic information that establishes incontrovertible blood relationships of persons.

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