
Celebrate quietly – Akufo-Addo prays for accident-free Easter

President Akufo-Addo has entreated Ghanaians to observe a solemn Easter devoid of social funfair to prevent COVID-19 spread.

At the same time, he has also requested travellers and motorists to adhere to road safety protocols to prevent accidents.

As Christians mark Easter, there is a tendency to hold public gatherings and embark on travels for large conventions.

But the President has discouraged excessive activities involving crowds due to the threat of COVID spread.

Ghana has rolled out a vaccination programme with active cases dropping significantly.

President Akufo-Addo wants efforts to maintain the downtrend and not a reversal as was witnessed after Christmas.

“While the vaccination campaign is going on, the number of active cases which stood at over 7,000 a few weeks ago is on a steady decline, currently at some 1,746.

“Clearly, my fellow Ghanaians, we are by no means out of the woods and so we will have to endure this year another quiet Easter devoid of public gatherings and the merrymaking that characterise the season.

He said there will be no Easter Conventions, Easter Picnics, parties or gatherings at beaches.

“Church services must be held for a maximum of two hours and the requisite social distancing rules must be strictly obeyed.

“Nightclubs, cinemas and pubs continue to be closed. Funerals, concerts, theatrical performances and parties are banned. Private burials with no more than 25 people can take place with the enforcement of the social distancing, hygiene and mask-wearing protocols. Spectators are still banned from going to the stadia to watch football matches”.

Meanwhile, over 600,000 persons have been vaccinated with an additional 300,000 vaccines expected to arrive in the country in weeks.

As he wished Ghanaians a happy Easter, he was hopeful that “the blood spilled on the cross will heal our land and cleanse us of our iniquities. Just as Christ is risen, Ghana will also rise”.

What is Easter?

Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates the belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In the New Testament of the Bible, the resurrection is said to have occurred three days after Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died in roughly 30 A.D.

The festivities conclude the “Passion of Christ,” a series of events and holidays that begins with Lent—a 40-day period of fasting, prayer and sacrifice—and ends with Holy Week.

It includes Holy Thursday which marks the celebration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his 12 disciples, Good Friday on which Jesus’ crucifixion is observed and Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday when Jesus is believed to have risen from death and ascended into heaven.

Although a holiday of high religious significance in the Christian faith, many traditions associated with Easter date back to pre-Christian times.

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