
Canadian Murder Case: Student chained boyfriend during kinky sex – Prosecuton

Source The Ghana Report

A seven-member jury panel has been told that a 23-year-old Level 100 Biological student, Safina Mohammed, alias Safina Diamond, who has been charged with killing her boyfriend, chained him during a “kinky sex” and took advantage of his “weaknesses” to execute her plans.

Safina Diamond has pleaded not guilty to the murder of Frank Osei, her Canada-based Ghanaian boyfriend.

Nana Ama Adinkra, a senior state attorney, said while giving her opening address to the jury on Thursday, March 7, that the prosecution will lead evidence to show that the deceased was chained with dog chains.

The senior state attorney also told the jury that in doing so, they would be calling 9 witnesses to prove their case.

The witnesses, the prosecution said, will include Michael Fifi Ampofo Arku, who was earlier held as an accomplice but was discharged upon the advice of the Attorney General on the case docket.

The Senior State Attorney also indicated that the prosecution will be tendering some 31 exhibits.

The items to be tendered include an autopsy report, five huge dog chains, cello tape, four padlocks with 10 keys, a cutter, a pair of gloves, three knives, and the accused person’s various investigation caution statements.

Safina Diamond has denied any involvement in the murder of her Canadian-based boyfriend, Frank Kofi Osei.

She maintained her innocence stance and pleaded not guilty during committal proceedings at the Adenta District Court.

“I am innocent. At the time of the incident, I was not in the house, but near the area, making calls,” she said.

Frank (now deceased) was gruesomely murdered at Ashalley Botwe School Junction in July 2022 when he visited Safina, his girlfriend.

It was the case of the prosecution that, on Sunday, July 24, 2022, Osei, who was on vacation in Ghana, visited Safina, his fiance, who lived at Ashaley Botwe School Junction and decided to spend the night with her.

The prosecution indicated that in the night, Safina, Arku and other accomplices yet to be arrested allegedly stabbed Osei with a knife and strangled him.

Per the facts, Osei’s blood was allegedly cleaned from the floor by Safina and her accomplices while the body was in the room for 24 hours.

The body of Osei, according to the prosecution, was dragged from the first floor of the two-storey building through the staircase.

The body was then dumped at the gate of the house, where the deceased had parked his Toyota Tundra.

Safina Diamond allegedly called the police, claiming that her boyfriend, who visited her, had died in her room.

When the police proceeded to the scene, they found the body of Osei lying at the gate of Safina’s house.

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