
Can CBD Oil Help With Your Period Pain?

I’ve never met a woman who hasn’t thought of her period as a nuisance. But while for some women, that time of the month is just a reminder to steer clear of white jeans, for others, including myself, those days are often a nightmare.

On an “easy” day, my period feels like someone’s pulling my uterus apart. On the worst days, I’m in bed, nursing an unbearable migraine, or hugging the toilet after feeling violently ill.

Experiencing so much pain every month is not only disheartening, but it also impacts my work, my relationships, and most importantly, my mood. So when I heard that CBD oil can supposedly heal various health issues, I wondered if it could help with period pain as well.

What is CBD oil?
CBD comes from the Cannabis Sativa plant — which is the same plant species that brings us marijuana. However, unlike its cousin, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, so there is no risk of getting high or overdosing.

Cannabinol (CBD) comes in many forms. You can buy CBD oil for anxiety, CBD gummies for pain, and CBD bath bombs for relaxation. CBD oil impacts the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and interacts with neurotransmitters. Studies also show that CBD can relieve inflammation, stimulate serotonin release in the body, slow down the rapid growth of malicious cells, and slow down the degeneration of brain cells to reduce the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Can CBD oil ease period pain?
Yes, this natural compound can ease pain of all kinds. While no studies have specifically analyzed CBD’s impact on period pain, researchers have conducted studies regarding CBD and pain in general, and the results have been encouraging.

Essentially, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. This means that the oil can reduce inflammation within the reproductive system and relieve symptoms like cramps and headaches.

Furthermore, CBD can help relieve pain without causing harmful side effects. Medical professionals have noted that those who used CBD oil consistently for three months ultimately experienced less severe period symptoms.

While there aren’t yet studies in this area, I firmly believe that CBD oil can help reduce period pain. As with any other medication, though, do your research and consult your doctor before you start taking CBD on a regular basis. But with relatively few side effects and proven relief, what’s there to lose?

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