
Blow by blow account of how Deputy Upper West Regional Minister was wounded in machete attack

The Deputy Upper West Regional Minister, Amidu Chinnia Issahaku, escaped death by the whiskers on Thursday, May 21, 2020, when some unknown assailants on a motorbike attacked and inflicted machete wounds on him.

Theghanareport.com’s sources say at about 7 pm after the Deputy Minister broke his fast, he decided to take a walk around his residence.

He had not gone far from his home when he met his attackers. Without any provocation, his attackers, who were two on a motorbike, pulled out a machete and aimed at his neck.

In a desperate attempt to save his life, the Deputy Minister blocked the machete with his right hand, sustaining a deep machete wound, theghanareport.com’s source narrated.

According to the source, the Minister took to his heels, whiles screaming for help. His attackers refused to allow him to go alive. They also jumped off the motorbike and gave him a hot chase.

Upon realising the police patrol team was around, the attackers hopped onto their motorbike and fled the scene, the source revealed.

His attackers did not take away any item from the Deputy Regional Minister.

Amidu Chinnia Issahaku is involved in a fierce New Patriotic Party parliamentary contest in the Sissala East constituency in the Upper West Region.

Meanwhile, police in the region say they have begun serious investigations into the incident.

“We’re seriously investigating it. That’s why we say that the motorbike patrol is helping us. If the police had been there before the incident, we would have easily chased them, while we were using the motorbikes. Unfortunately, we could not get them,” PRO of the regional police command, Inspector Gideon Boateng, said.



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