
Blanket Use Of Digital Technology In Schools Not Appropriate For Developing Countries – UNESCO

Source The Ghana Report

To help improve learning, UNESCO says digital technology should not be a substitute for but a complement to face-to-face interaction with teachers. This is contained in its 2023 Global Education Monitor Report.

UNESCO acknowledges the role of digitization in bringing changes in education, particularly in learning, yet it says it is debatable whether technology has transformed education as many claim.

It says, digitization can only be effective in all things being equal situations, the absence of key prerequisites is certainly an impediment to its optimal application. The factors affecting digital technology in schools include the socioeconomic level of communities, teacher willingness and preparedness, education level, and country income.

Except in the most technologically advanced countries, computers and devices are not used in classrooms on a large scale. Moreover, evidence is mixed on its impact. The Report shows that regulations for technology set outside of the education sector will not necessarily address education’s needs.

The Report was released along with a #TechOnOurTerms
campaign, calling for decisions about technology in education to prioritize learner needs after assessment of whether its application would be appropriate, equitable, evidence-based, and sustainable.

It provides a compass for policymakers to use when making these
decisions. Those in decision-making positions are asked to look down
at where they are, to see if technology is appropriate for their context, and learning needs.

They are asked to look back at those left behind, to make sure they are focusing on the marginalized. They are reminded to look up at whether they have evidence of impact and enough information on the full cost needed to make
informed decisions. Finally, they are asked to look forward, to make sure their
plans fit their vision for sustainable development.

It is estimated that it would cost USD 1 billion per day to maintain connectivity for
education in poor countries.

Visit the link below for a copy of the  2023 Global Education Monitor Report:

2023 Global Education Monitor Report.


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