BECE: Headteacher arrested for allegedly registering foreigners as Ghanaian
The Municipal Chief Executive for Ketu South, Elliot Edem Agbenorwu, has caused the arrest of the headteacher of the Kekeli Preparatory school in Aflao Low-Cost 2, for allegedly registering 62 foreign pupils to participate in this year’s Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) as Ghanaian pupils.
The foreign pupils, mainly from Nigeria and Togo, attended a Togo based Faith mission school from JHS1 to JHS 3 but were allegedly registered without cumulative records.
“He registered them as Ghanaian students without any cumulative records and records in the school and it came to light,” Mr. Agbenorwu.
“Upon my personal interrogation with him in the company of the municipal education director, he has confirmed that indeed, he registered these 62 students who are from Togo faith mission school.”
The MCE maintained that the headteachers alleged actions were “sabotage to Government policy.”
Candidates must be in the third year of Junior High Schools approved by the Ghana Education Service to be eligible to register to take part in the Ghana examination.
The 2019 edition of the Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE) started today with a total of 517,332 candidates from 16,871 schools will write the examination at 1,880 centres throughout the country.
The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) remains intent on safeguarding the integrity of the examination and as put in place measures to curb malpractices.
Among the new measures, invigilators and officials who will supervise the exercise have been banned from using mobile phones around the examination centers.