
Banksy confirms seventh London artwork in a week

The elusive artist Banksy has confirmed he painted swimming piranhas on to a City of London Police sentry box, which was first spotted on Sunday morning.

The glass-fronted box on Ludgate Hill – near The Old Bailey and St Paul’s Cathedral – has been transformed to look like an aquarium.

This is his seventh new artwork to be revealed in the capital in as many days, following a goat, monkeys, elephants, a wolf, pelicans and a cat.

Crowds gathered to take photos throughout the day until barriers were installed, preventing people from going inside.

PA Media Possible Banksy artwork of a shoal of fish on the windows of a police sentry box in LondonPA Media
The inside view of the police sentry box

This work differs from the previous works by Banksy unveiled this week in that it is a detailed painting that appears to have been created with translucent spray paint.

The City of London Police said it was aware of “criminal damage” to the police box and were liaising with City of London Corporation which owns it.

A corporation worker was earlier seen barricading it off and asking spectators not to stand in the road near it.

A spokesperson said: “We are currently working through options to preserve the artwork.”

The sentry box is among many installed in the 1990s used by police officers monitoring traffic to prevent IRA attacks.

PA Media Contractor wearing high vis top and trousers erecting barrier round box while a police officer stands by. Passers by are watching the scene from the pavement.PA Media
A barrier has been installed around the box and police officers have been positioned at the location
PA Media Woman having her photo taken inside the police box where the windows have been painted by BanksyPA Media
Earlier, people enjoyed having their photos taken inside the box before the barriers prevented access

‘Really uplifting’

A local resident who came to take pictures of the fish artwork said she thought it was “rather beautiful in the sun.”

“I like it, it’s got a charm to it somehow. It’s not in your face, it’s quite subtle.

Artist Daniel Lloyd-Morgan, who has painted most of Banksy’s new pieces of art this week said: “It’s really uplifting for people in London at the moment.

“There’s a buzz around his work. It’s nice to capture that as I do the people as well.

“It’s not just about the artwork, it’s about the whole environment he’s creating, it becomes a sort of work of art itself – what happens to it, people steal it or take it away.”

Mr Lloyd-Morgan added that he was due to go on holiday on Monday but has postponed it in case Banksy’s art revelations continue next week.

PA Media The possible Banksy artwork of a shoal of fish on a police sentry box in Ludgate Hill, LondonPA Media
One passer by said the design was “rather beautiful in the sun”
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