
Children who think green

One of the threats facing the planet at the moment is the negative impact of human activities on the environment. The air faces significant pollution just from the burning of fossil fuels from vehicles. The further release of gases from…

“Economic independence now!”

Ghana is currently in an economic crisis resulting in our 17th bailout by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It is interesting that we have had various flavours of this crisis occurring approximately every four years in 67 years of…

Defence of entrapment

Two incidents, with a common underlying theme but not related, are the impetus for this week’s article, the criminal defence of entrapment. It is the defence available to an accused person in the Western world (America, England, etc.,)…

Culture of Urgency

“If you live a good life, you find it sweet.” – Akan proverb Every activity we have ever conjured pretends to serve the well-being and the edification of individuals and society. From the liberality of our relationships to the testing of…