
Austrian President urges more support for counter-terrorism in Africa

The President of the Republic of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen has called for more support for the African Union and the G5 du Sahel in combating terrorism.

Speaking during bilateral discussions with the President Nana Akufo-Addo on Monday, he stressed that “the coordination of activities between the armies and the intelligence agencies of our countries is absolutely essential to a successful battle against terrorism.”

The Austrian Federal Army is currently involved in training co-operation with the Ghana Armed Forces on “Combat Dog Training”.

As part of this co-operation agreement, the Austrian Army supports dog handlers from the Ghana Armed Forces and will set up a regional training centre in Ghana.

Touching on the purpose of his presence at the R20 Summit, President Akufo-Addo assured his Austrian counterpart of Ghana’s preparedness to tackle climate change.

Climate change, the President stressed, is the biggest threat to the realisation of the SDGs, and has become an issue of grave concern to most leaders across the world, as it has a considerable impact on the fundamentals required for the survival of the human race on earth.

“It is in own interest to act to salvage the economic fortunes of the continent, and, more so, step up our collective efforts to fight decisively climate change,” he added.

R20 Summit

The President is in Austria to attend the R20 Austrian World Summit – an initiative which is helping regions, countries and cities to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to meet the global climate protection targets outlined in the Paris Agreement.

He is attending the Summit in his capacity as co-Chair of the UN Secretary General’s Group of Eminent Advocates on the 2030 SDGs, and will, on Tuesday, 28th May, participate in the high-level panel discussion on the need for leadership to take responsibility in the global process on sustainable development and international co-operation.

Whilst in Austria, the President will also hold bilateral talks with the Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz; with the President of Hungary, His Excellency János Áder; and with the CEO of the World Bank, Kristalina Georgieva.

He is also expected to meet members of the Ghanaian community resident in Austria.

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