
Arise Ghana to join NDC’s demo over BoG concerns

Source The Ghana Report

Pressure Group, Arise Ghana, has revealed plans of joining forces with the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), over calls for the Bank of Ghana officials to resign.

A statement from the pressure group said should the Central Bank Governor and his Deputies fail to resign within 21 days, “Arise Ghana and its allies will join forces with forces of accountability to demand their resignation through a series of public protests”.

The goal of these protests will be to amplify the message and demand the officials’ resignation through collective action.

The statement comes in the wake of the damning revelations exposed in the 2022 audit report and financial statements of the institution.

AriseGhana stated that the dire predicament that BoG currently finds itself in is primarily due to the alleged mismanagement by the Governor, his Deputies, and the Board of Directors.

The group points to actions such as the purported illegal printing of GHC¢77 billion during the years 2021 and 2022, which is claimed to have funded the government’s alleged fiscal recklessness.

Furthermore, AriseGhana contends that the subsequent alarming financial losses – GH¢60.8 billion in 2022 alone – and negative equity of GH¢55.1 billion are a direct result of these actions.

“Again, it is totally irresponsible, that the BOG has chosen to embark on an ill-timed and hyper-inflated new office complex project at a staggering cost of $250,000,000.00 at a time it has incurred such gargantuan losses and negative equity due to mismanagement and financial imprudence.”

“We share the view, that the decision by BOG to build a new $250 million office complex at this time is a misplaced priority and the height of insensitivity which must not be countenanced by Ghanaians,” the statement added.

Below is the statement to that effect.

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