Are Cold Or Hot Showers Better For You?
Showers – we all need them to start our mornings or end our days. They help us calm our heebie-jeebies for a couple of minutes.
However, depending on when you take your shower, you may complain about the water being too hot or too cold. Little do you know that there are benefits for both temperatures.
So which shower should you take? Unwritten has gotten you covered. Here is what we found:
Cold Showers
We probably opt for cold showers whenever we walk in the hot, summer heat. But did you know that cold water has been used extensively for therapy? This type of therapy is called cryotherapy. Lots of athletes use cryotherapy when treating their wounds. Here are some pros and cons of cold showers:
Relaxes Muscles
A 2014 study showed that cold showers decrease muscle spasms, inflammation, and swelling. This is because cold water narrows blood vessels, which minimizes muscle soreness.
Reduces stress and anxiety
If you’re having a rough day, perhaps taking a cold shower is the right option. Cold water increases the production of endorphins, which are known as ‘pain-reliever’ chemicals. These chemicals tend to help decrease stress and anxiety.
Protects your skin and hair
Cold water is less abrasive on skin and hair. It closes pores and doesn’t strip the natural oils from the skin. As a result, experts say cold water is more beneficial to those who have dry or acne-prone skin.
If you’re worried about hair fall, cold water protects your hair from damage. t helps improve scalp circulation and cleanliness. This often means healthier and stronger hair.
Don’t take one if you’re sick
Cold showers are not ideal if you have a cold. The cold water may be tough on your immune system and may not help you recover from illness.
May lead to heart conditions
If you have any heart or lung conditions, think twice before opting for a cold shower. Cold water can increase blood pressure while increasing your heart rate. So make sure to consult your doctor first.
Discomfort at first
When you first make the switch from a hot to a cold shower, you may feel uncomfortable. Many have reported headaches and other pain due to the initial temperature mismatch. So it does take time to get adjusted.
Hot Showers
Many of us associate showers with warm temperatures. We perhaps find it soothing or relaxing. Here are some of the pros and cons of hot showers:
Relieves cold-like symptoms
According to the Lung Health Institute, the steam hot showers generate help to clear a stuffy nose and a sore throat. That’s why many use hot showers as a natural remedy for sickness.
Improves Sleep
When you take a hot shower, your body’s core temperature decreases, which allows you to fall asleep more quicker. Moreover, research shows that a warm bath or hot shower can help improve sleep quality.
Reduces Headaches
Many say you can consider showers as heat therapy to reduce headaches and migraines. Apparently, soaking your feet in hot water will help to relieve some headache pain as well.
Rough to the Skin
Have you ever stepped away from a hot shower and noticed that your cheeks are bright red? Well, hot water can dry out and inflame your skin because it strips your natural away. As a result, you may experience itchiness.
Dry Eyes and Other Eye-Related injuries
Many people have also said their eyes tend to be drier after showering. In reality, there is also some danger associated with hot water. If a drop of hot water touches the eyes, blindness and other eye-related injuries can result.
Causes Hair Damage
Taking a hot shower may be one of the causes of split ends. Instead of moisturizing the hair, hot water damages hair cuticles. This causes moisture loss, and believe it or not, your hair colour could also fade.
Hot or Cold Shower?
Choosing a hot or cold shower depends on multiple factors. If you’re coming home from a gym workout, either could work since they both relieve muscle tension. When you’re stressed, a cold shower may help you to relax a bit more after you make the transition. But if you have a stuffy nose and are feeling under the weather, a hot shower may be the best choice.
After all, a shower is the best time to relax, unwind, and spend some time with yourself.