
Angelina Jolie Wants Out of Wine Business Cofounded With Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie is running to court so she can shed one of the last remnants of her marriage to Brad Pitt — including the wine business they owned together, which she wants out of ASAP.

The actress just filed docs asking a judge to lift a restraining order on the transfer of their assets, which was put in place automatically when their divorce paperwork got underway. The asset she’s particularly interested in unloading is Nouvel, LLC, their French winery company.

It’s a standard thing courts do in cases like these, but now Angie’s saying she needs the freeze removed immediately so she can sell her portion of the biz to a third party … a deal that’s apparently on the table, but needs the barrier removed to go through.

Her attorneys note they contacted Brad’s legal team over this as well in hopes of resolving things without needing a formal hearing, but she says Brad’s lawyer said he’d get back to her on it. Angelina says she was worried about losing the deal in the meantime so she went ahead and asked the judge to intervene.

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