
Analyzing Appearance

Your appearance will be greatly affected by the way you look, but it is not always easy to judge your own appearance and the impression you are creating. Ask friends or colleagues to comment on your image and help you to adjust it to suit your audience.


  1. A good night’s sleep is essential before the day of your presentation.
  2.  A hairbrush, toothbrush, travel iron, clothes brush, and shoe buffer are useful items to take to the venue so that you can look your best for your presentation.
  3. Zips and buttons should be fastened, and your shirt should be tucked in before you enter the presentation room.
  4.  A jacket may be worn to hide any marks that may appear if perspiration is a problem.


Study yourself in a mirror to see what impression you make. First impressions are strong and hard to change. Think about how quickly you make judgments about people you meet for the first time. Signals can be picked up very quickly from the way people dress, the way they walk, and the way they stand. Before you reach the lectern, your audience will have formed an opinion about you based on these first impressions. It is important to decide on the image you want to convey to your audience early on. Making the right first impression may be vital to the success of your presentation, so dress appropriately, and walk, speak, and stand with confidence, to achieve the right first impression.  Do not wear anything that may distract the audience. Keep your hands out of your pockets during the presentation.


Your message will be best received if the audience can identify with you, so it is important always to be aware of the audience’s perception of the image you present. If you know a little about your audience it is easier to decide on the impression that you want to create. Remember, particular styles of dress can communicate specific messages to each audience.


Check the clothes that you are going to wear in advance to prevent the problem of having to wear ill-fitting or unlaundered clothes at your presentation. If you want to look your absolute best for the presentation, bring the outfit with you, and change into it before you begin your last-minute preparation. Check that changing facilities are available at the venue before you arrive.  It is not always necessary to wear a suit, but it is always necessary to look well-groomed. Make sure that your clothes are all clean and well-pressed, your shoes are polished, and your hair is tidy. If you do not take your time to groom yourself, you will look unprepared, and your audience may assume that you are not an expert on your subject. An unkempt appearance may distract people from your presentation.

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