
Akufo-Addo must dissolve GFA and damns FIFA consequences

Even though FIFA frowns on government interference in football, President Akufo-Addo ought to take a bold and decisive step to dissolve the Ghana Football Association.

The national team belongs to the state, and the government has a duty of care towards the public by insisting that the football association give value to the monetary investments being made on the team.

The Nigerian government not too long ago interfered in the affairs of the Nigerian Football Federation and dissolved the Nigerian FA. Today Nigerians are reaping the benefits.

Even FIFA at one point became a self-reforming institution.

In fact, the then FIFA president Joseph Sepp Blatter’s tenure of office was shortened by the indictment by the US Department of Justice of 14 FIFA-connected personnel on corruption-related charges.

It also led to the suspension of Blatter, and he was even banned by the FIFA ethics committee – to stand down as FIFA President in February 2016.

So yes, President Akufo-Addo must dissolve GFA now.

We can’t sit by and watch the mafia within the football association to continue having a field day.

While we are it, we must also dissolve the entire Black Stars build the team from our locals, and get the basics right.

As a footballer, I know this is the only solution to our football problems.

Enough is Enough.


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