
Akufo-Addo has not shelved Witchcraft Bill – Presidency

Source The Ghana Report

The Office of the President has denied claims that President Akufo-Addo has declined to assent to the Criminal Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2022, which makes it an offence to accuse any person of being a witch.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, expressed worry that the president had not formally communicated to him regarding the bill despite the significant time that had elapsed since passage in July. 

But in a statement signed by the Director of Communications at the Office of the President, Eugene Arhin, the Presidency said it was not the case.

“How could the Speaker of Parliament accuse the President of remaining silent on the Bill when it was officially presented to him on Monday, 27th November 2023, the same day the Speaker made the accusation?”

“Indeed, the Bill was officially presented to the President for his assent together with the Wildlife Resources Management Bill, 2023 and National Petroleum Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2023, under cover of a letter dated 27th November 2023, with reference PS/CS/112/826,” the statement said.

It added that the president is within the legally stipulated timeframe to carefully consider and decide on the bill.


Below is the full statement

Witchcraft Bill

Witchcraft Bill

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