
Accra’s Atmosphere Filled By Honking & Mooing

Source The Ghana Report

Ghana is not paying attention to nagging societal challenges and one more evidence of the blithe disregard is the pervasiveness of cattle roaming the streets of the capital city, Accra. In this city, you are likely to barge into herds of cattle pushed around the central business district at will by nomads.

The reverse scenario of how such an incident occurs is possibly worse. You are accelerating your vehicle in the streets only to screech to a halt in the most unpredictable situations brought about by cattle suddenly jumping onto the road. This is Act One Scene Two. Scene Three would probably be a crash into the loitering animals, fatally maybe.

The prospect of an outrageous spectacle would be the doomsday crash possibly between speeding convoys or an emergency movement on the roads and the carefree animals. That magnifies the crisis in the figment of our imaginations.

The honking converted to a noisier ambiance of sirens and the mooing of cows and bulls, blood dripping to underscore the gravity of the price we have to pay for being ”criminally negligent.”

nagging societal challenges

nagging societal challenges

nagging societal challenges


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