
Accra Hajj Orientation Starts At National Mosque

The Accra version of the ongoing orientation exercise for prospective pilgrims opened yesterday at the National Mosque, Kanda with the Executive Secretary of the Ghana Hajj Board Secretariat Alhaji Farouk Hamza disclosing an elaborate programme that would inure to the interest of Ghanaians during the religious exercise.

Taking them through a step-by-step slide presentation, he educated his audience made up of prospective pilgrims from Accra about measures taken to ward off illegal Ghanaian immigrants and non-Hajj visa holders who at this time would sneak into the Ghanaian camp.

This time, it is not only the Ghanaian Hajj authorities who have instituted effective measures to stem the tide of illegal immigrants from sneaking into the camp but the Saudi authorities too, he told his attentive audience.

He educated them about the various stages of the departure process and the comfortable hotels whose proximity to the Ka’aba would spare Ghanaian pilgrims the inconvenience of covering a long distance to reach the religious facility for their special prayers.

The Chairman of the Ghana Hajj Board, Alhaji Ben Abdallah Banda, who also turned up at the session, told prospective pilgrims to turn to the members of the Hajj Board who would be in Saudi Arabia when they face challenges rather go to the media.

“Members of the Hajj Board would be with you throughout the Hajj, and so when you experience any challenge consult any of them for solutions. Ours is a human institution and cannot be perfect. Contact any of us when you encounter any challenge,” he said.

A cross section of Hajj Agents including their President, Alhaji Alhassan were present during the programme which ends today at the same venue.

The Kumasi chapter will take place this forthcoming weekend in the Garden City.

Also present were some board members such as Hajia Safiya, Hajia Azara Haroun and Alhaji Abu aka Biggie.

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