A Reflection On Maadwoa’s Killing in Kumasi
The alleged lover boy, unable to suppress malice aforethought, who killed the lady in Kumasi and others like him, need to be schooled on love.
This recurrence in Ghana must be urgently addressed for avoidance. Why am I saying this? It is about time “spouses” (to use a decent word for green-eyed lovers), appraise themselves of the fact that ladies were nurtured by their families for years, some tortuously. For a man to meet a woman for just 3 years or any short period, his so-called benevolence doesn’t match the preceding years which parents handled.
Therefore, to kill someone and bring a family’s struggles about the victim to such a huge anticlimax, is thoughtless and evil.
Pockets of education in electronic media is not enough. What we need to do as a people is intense and incessant national campaign on topics.
The greatest criterion for love is freedom. The sprout is setting something free and if it is yours it will return. The reverse is true. Love itself is about doing good to someone without expectations. That is love. Not coercive love.
Correcting ills of society requires economic buoyancy in people as well as waging a successful psychological battle to unwind stereotypes.