
Girl who made 6 As and baked bread gets university admission

Months after theghanareport.com published the plight of 20-year-old, Mavis Ayamdo Awinbota, who made 6As in WASSCE but was unsure of her academic future, she has gained admission into the Ghana Institute of Journalism.

With 6A’s, 1B, and a C, from the West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations, Mavis had no hope of furthering her education as her GHC 60-weekly job could not afford her tertiary education.

She worked at a bakery where she made GHC 10 a day.

After the publication, theghanareport.com readers expressed interest in helping the aspiring journalist realize her dreams.

The opportunities came.

Apart from monetary donations from theghanareport.com readers to enable her buy a university form. Mavis also received scholarship opportunities from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ashesi University, and the University of Cape Coast.

The choice was hers to make.

“I have always wanted to be a journalist, that is my dream job, so I like GIJ” she made her choice smiling.

The 20-year-old who lost her father at age 3 had to see herself through senior high school by hawking sachet water in traffic during vacation.

“During vacation, I hawked pure water in traffic to support my mum because she is a hawker, she sells tomatoes ….so she takes care of my fees and I handle my provisions and other expenses,” she said.

As universities prepare to resume full academic work after schools were shut down to the spread of the dreaded coronavirus, Mavis is also girding her loins to start a new life as a student journalist.




  1. Anonymous says

    An inspiring story; keep it up, Mavis

  2. Anonymous says

    That’s really nice to hear. I wished she came to UCC

  3. Seth says

    Theghanareport.com, you do all. You have shown that you people indeed are outstanding. Thank you for discovering and helping Mavis. God bless you.

  4. Anonymous says

    Congratulations Mavis, I’m soooooo proud of you, girl keep on doing whatever you have to do to make it in life, because the sky’s your limit, and keep on giving Jehovah God all the honour and glory.

  5. Anonymous says

    Oh after such excellent results,really we thank God. This child is _will be a blessing to her mom. All the best of luck my dear. Women Power

  6. Anonymous says

    God bless you always

  7. Anonymous says

    So happy for you …remember with God all things are possible so put him first and it will be well with you…keep up the good work and continue to make your mother proud…your story has touch my heart so

  8. Anonymous says

    Big Congrats my dear….please be serious with your studies and the sky will be your limit.
    Big Congrats…….

  9. Anonymous says

    Congratulations to u Mavis & may the Good Lord bless u❤

  10. Christine says

    Congratulations to u Mavis.
    May the Good Lord bless u❤

  11. Bayos says

    Go Gal Go. Bravo! Am proud of you! Superstar! Mother’s keeper. Continue to Receive God s Endless Blessings Mavis. Stay focussed❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘🌹💐🌹💐🌹💐🌹. Your Mom must be smiling all the way. Woman Unstoppable 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

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