
Did OccupyGhana just wake up from its artificially induced sleep?

Many were those who thought Occupy Ghana had gone to its “final resting ground” after it stopped ranting on the media about national issues.

It is even surprising to some Ghanaians why they went silent at the time they were needed most on plethora of serious national issues that wanted their intervention.

Just yesterday, OccupyGhana, a known pressure group in Ghana that ‘held the throat’ of NDC during John Mahama’s government until it couldn’t breathe, questioned government handling of the COVID-19 figures, especially the death recorded cases which the government reported it as 58 deaths.

The group said, “misreporting on COVID-19 has a bearing on the public behavioural response. They further showed their discontent with government mishandling of the reported case in Parliament.

Ghanaians are, however, not happy with this pressure group’s choice of ranting especially, at the time the EC is bent on compiling a new register in this pandemic, and all other odds which has implications I’m this year’s elections. Social media users across major platforms are asking why they went to sleep when the Kelni-GVG is suffocating Ghanaian taxpayer and Cocaine missing under the watch of GRA.

It appears the group seems to be docile and unproductive in holding government accountable unlike their usual of them organising demonstrations, and press holding government through court orders and public lectures during the John Mahama administration. Could it be that the ‘sharp teeth’ went blunt for reasons best known them?

Again, Ghanaians are asking whether there is no any hidden agenda to  re-launch tirade attack against the opposition NDC party as we gear towards elections 2020?  A Renault pressure group consisting of people from legal, economic and other fields of study and of repute are now been rebuked by the public for over sleeping in this government, with many calling them a wing aligned to the Npp government.

Even though , it is not bad to question government about an alleged massaged figures especially the 20 reported cases of deaths in Kumasi which the real figures revealed 38, but the problem is whether this is the most pressing issue? Of course is not.

The new voter’s ID compilation which chiefs and about 20 civil society organisations have all kicked against the decisions of the EC to compile,  and citing several issues which makes it senseless to have a new register now. Vodafone has succumbed to government pressure by providing data to a company that got the contract under bizarre circumstances, yet it never occurred to this pressure whose slogan is “ For God and Country.

NDC's George Loh on why he participated in EC's pilot voter registration - Graphic Online

BoST saga would have met the wrath of OccupGhana if the spirit was actually “For God and Country” and if their stands was for Country first before anything, then the PPA boss scandal would have at least some public lectures to expose the government. The galamsey fight,  the stolen 500 excavators by people entrusted with the country that OccupyGhana is serving. May their intentions for God and Country come to fruition.

By Ayamba Ali Dauda


  1. Anonymous says

    Great piece. Is a wake up call

  2. Anonymous says

    I’m utterly at their rather selective justice attitude they are portraying… For God and For Country means everything inclusive so why now the selections 💔😳

  3. LotomeBee says

    There are several categories of pressure groups and civil society organizations. There are some who will tight tooth and nail to ensure equity and peace prevail in the nation while others yield themselves to political manipulation for personal gains. The events past 3 years have exposed a lot of them. I cherish your expose’

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