
I felt dirty doing secular music – Irene Logan

Celebrated singer, Irene Logan has said that she felt ‘dirty’ doing secular music

According to her, that was the reason she took a long break from music

In an interview on Restoration with Stacy, Ms Logan said,  “When I won Stars of the Future, I had a serious mind battle – mental, spiritual emotional: Should I sing what I do, what I’m used to, gospel or secular?

“It was so difficult for me to make that decision that I had sleepless nights, but also because I had been in the church for far so long, I wanted a break. I wanted to live, I wanted to explore. Could I just be normal like everybody else? It’s not a sin, can I do this? So, I decided I’m going to sing what I want to sing, I’m not going to do gospel.

She continued, “But my spirit was never rested with that decision. I used to have sleepless nights.  What they call torments at night. What are you doing? [It] feels dirty, like you are doing something that is not for you; like your spirit is rejecting something, and I went through that for about six months. While I was performing, so many nights, I didn’t sleep, and those were my battles, but also I did not want to be doing something that my heart was not in.”

The ‘Can we run away’ hitmaker said the break was because she was not settled in her spirit and she knew she was not walking in her purpose.

” I was never settled in my spirit I knew I was not walking in my purpose and when I say that I’m not saying that everybody singing secular music is going to hell or they’re all sinning.

“But we’re all different people and some people have been called to specific things, and until you find your way back to that thing, nothing will make sense to you and I know that was what the problem was.”

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