
Nearly six out of 10 coronavirus cases are local infections as men top infection chart

Nearly six out of every 10 coronavirus cases in Ghana are local infections, information from the Ghana Health Service (GHS) suggests.

This means these locally infected persons had not travelled out of the country within the last 14 days before their diagnosis.

Ghana, as at Friday, April 10,  had recorded 408 COVID-19 cases. Eight  had died and four had made full recoveries.

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Those who imported the sickness into the country are 42.9%, that is 175 persons with a “history of travel.”

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) suggests that 57.1% of the overall infections were persons with “no travel history” which translates into some 233 carriers of the virus.

Source: GHS
Source: GHS

Additionally, data on the official COVID-19 website of GHS also gave the distribution of the disease among genders and age groups.

Majority of the patients are males (57.9%) with females (42.1%) forming the minority.

Source: GHS
Source: GHS

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The most infected age group among females are girls below the ages of 15 with 60 cases recorded.

While the most infected age group among males are men between the ages of 35 and 44. More than 70 cases have been recorded in this age group.

Source: GHS
Source: GHS

Regionally, Greater Accra remains the epicenter of the disease in Ghana with 329 infections.

In a very distant second is the Ashanti Region with 40 infections while the Eastern Region is third with 25.

The Northern Region places fourth with 10 cases. The Upper West, Upper East, North East, Northern Region and Central have all recorded one case.

Eight of the country’s regions have no officially confirmed cases.

Map showing COVID-19 cases
Map showing COVID-19 cases

The GHS stated that 394 of the entire cases are “mild” conditions. Two are said to be “moderate to severe” diseases, with no one being aided by ventilators to support breathing.

According to authorities, they detected 205 cases from routine surveillance, 88 from enhanced surveillance activities and 115 from travellers under mandatory quarantine in both Accra and Tamale.

1 Comment
  1. Kari Jewel says

    Maybe 35-60 year old men should stop having sex with 15-year old girls.

    I’ve analyzed all of Africa for trends. I correctly predicted Ghana would lead West Africa by week’s end. I made that prediction on 8 April and it came true on 13 April. So far, my analysis was spot on for Africa and the US.

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