
‘God’s children don’t tell lies’ – Commander condemns ‘fake’ viral videos of military brutalities

A Brigadier-General marshalling the partial lockdown of the country is in disbelief that a religious country like Ghana can have citizens who enjoy sharing false news.

Brigadier-General Abraham Yeboah Nsiah, who commands the Southern Command of the Armed Forces, said several videos and photos showing soldiers beating up civilians were false.

About 1,000 soldiers are patrolling the streets of Accra and Kumasi after the government imposed a two-week lockdown to contain the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

But barely 48-hours into the operation, a section of social media was awash with videos of security forces brutalising civilians reportedly breaking lockdown rules.

Theghahareport.com could not verify the credibility of some of the videos. Voices in the video do not suggest actors speak Ghanaian languages.

Brigadier-General Abraham Yeboah Nsiah condemned the sharing of some of the videos and stated they were false.

According to him, soldiers who had been deployed to enforce the lockdown were professionals.

“I must also emphasise that some videos evolved concerning some brutalities being meted out by some soldiers to some civilians. Let me assure Ghanaians that the soldiers that we have are well trained. They are professionals. They do not brutalise.”

Brigadier General Nsiah, at a press briefing Wednesday, said he could only vouch for the authenticity of one video in which a soldier assaulted a civilian.

Brigadier Nsiah revealed the soldier had been recalled to the barracks and was no more part of the lockdown patrolling team.

“We have only one incident and that incident had nothing to do with slapping….That soldier involved presently has been withdrawn to the barracks so all the videos you are seeing are false,” he said.

Appealing to the religious beliefs of many Ghanaians, he pleaded with social media users to be circumspect in sharing fake videos.

“Most of us Ghanaians are religious, and we know that telling lies about somebody is something that God does not permit. So those who are doing it, I don’t know what your agenda is, stop it.” he pleaded when he spoke at a press briefing Wednesday.

The Brigadier General Nsiah said persons circulating those videos could discourage soldiers from carrying out their lawful duties.

  1. Anthony Yeboah says

    The news are not false but security personnels need much more education because such situations need very gentle issues……..so the top ranks have to talk to them.

    1. Gyang Amponsah. says

      Those saying it,s not true,send your evidence or shut up.We must all cooperate to let rules and regulations work. Do not attempt to test the laws.

  2. Anonymous says

    The news are not wrong•The commission officials should talk to their junior officers, because they are above law

  3. Richard Darko says

    I must commend the team behind the Theghanareport.com. You guys are highly hardworking. Keep the focus. This is one of the credible and a place of delight to Read News. #Keep it up.

  4. Anonymous says

    His statement is true because that soldier is not trained and not professional because he entered as a protocole.

  5. Anonymous says

    Good work done thank u for ur clarification

  6. Anonymous says

    Pls look into this carefully..You can give out numbers so civilians can call in case they fell threatened…We all involved lets build our motherland not in fear but together

  7. Awuni Thompson says

    It’s a good idea and I second the General’s.
    Our military men have manners and they know their duties so they won’t put their duties aside and beat civilians just like that
    Most the the viral videos are all fake and has to be stopped.
    Because our actions might let the military also change their ways and act with much more force and it’s going to be bad and won’t speak well of a peaceful country like Ghana.

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