
This Is Why I Love Everything About Being A Woman

Being a woman isn’t always easy. We have to deal with so many struggles that men don’t, like horrendous menstrual cramps, childbirth pain, and the way emotions flow through our bodies.

Women have long been thought of as inferior to men, but that sentiment is far from the truth. In fact, women have amazing strength and power.

I love being a woman. I’m thankful for my two X chromosomes.
I am strong. I am beautiful. Because am my own person, I love being me.

I have liberated myself from the societal straitjacket that has dictated what I should do and be.

I love being a woman. I dance to the rhythm of my own drum; the earth moves every time my feet touch the ground. I allow my body to move freely while I love my entire being.

I love being a woman. I love my body and all it allows me to do. I love the way my legs dance. I love the arms that allow me to embrace my loved ones. I love the curves that give my body a beautiful shape. I love the lips that allow me to speak up and express myself. I love the hands that allow me to write beautiful words. I love the muscles that make me a warrior.

I love being a woman. I am determined to be a better person than I was yesterday. I will continue to move forward each and every day on my journey towards my possibilities in my femininity.

Women can do anything beautifully and gracefully.
I love being a woman because of the other women in my life. Each and every one of my fellow women is a gem. We don’t compete against each other, and we don’t judge each other. Instead, we celebrate each other’s unique beauty. I love that we all support and encourage each other like we are family. I am happiest to embrace my womanhood when I see my fellow women accomplishing great things.

I love being a woman because I am unstoppable.
As a woman, there’s nothing I can’t do. I love being a woman because the beauty of being a woman is unparalleled.

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