
Be prepared for opportunities and serve – Gifty Anti on her TV breakthrough story

Renowned Ghanaian broadcaster Oheneyere Gifty Anti has shared her inspiring story about how she began her illustrious career in television.

Her journey, marked by humility, preparedness, and a willingness to seize opportunities, offers valuable lessons for young professionals.

According to Gifty Anti, here entry into television was a result of her readiness to take on unexpected challenges. Initially set to be a floor manager, she arrived early at the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) and took the initiative to read the newspapers when the producers and presenters were absent.

This preparation paid off when the main presenter, Madam Beatrice Aidoo, asked her to join the set.

“I took up that challenge because I was prepared. I didn’t say that I was going to be a floor manager so what have I got to do with newspapers,” she recounted.

Gifty Anti emphasised the importance of humility and a service-oriented mindset. According to her account, she approached Madam Beatrice Aidoo with respect and a willingness to help, which led to her unexpected on-air debut.

“I allowed my upbringing to get the better part of me by getting involved, by believing in service… And I was confident enough to approach Beatrice Aidoo. And I didn’t approach her in arrogance, but in humility,” she explained.

She emphasised the significance of seizing every opportunity, no matter how small it may seem. She advised young people to get involved wherever they find themselves, even if it means taking on tasks outside their job description.

“Even when you get there and you are going to interview for the manager of the company and you get there and you see the place is dirty and there is a broom there, if you can’t sweep, and you can find out who is the cleaner and you can tell the person… Well get involved. You never know how far it will take you,” she urged

The ace broadcaster recounted this story in an interview on The Career Trail Show, whilst celebrating 27 years in broadcasting.




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