
Just Know It’s Eventually All Going To Click

Life’s weird. We often find ourselves wondering why events happen the way that they do. We feel like we know the path ahead of us, but suddenly, out of nowhere, the universe does a big ol’ switcheroo, and then we feel like we’re back at square one.

We ask ourselves hard questions. “Why am I not in a relationship right now?” “Why haven’t I found my dream job yet?” “Why do I feel like I’m so behind?” The list goes on and on, the questions fill our heads, and we wonder why we feel like we’re not where we’re supposed to be in life.

But no matter how often you may forget the truth, where you are right now is exactly where you’re meant to be.

You’re not in a relationship at the moment because you’re not yet ready to meet the person you’re meant to be with. You haven’t landed your dream job yet because there’s still more life to live before the right opportunity arises. And honey, you’re not behind in life because right now, you’re going in the right direction, and the changes you want to see will happen when it’s the right time.

We all experience setbacks, heartbreaks, and moments where it feels like the world is crumbling right in front of us. These detours can be painful, but they’ll send us exactly where we need to go.

Many people say that everything happens for a reason, but we have to acknowledge that life is cruel sometimes and you don’t deserve for terrible things to happen to you. The smaller heartbreaks shape you into who you’re meant to be.

These heartbreaks teach you valuable lessons. Maybe you had to drop out of school, and your calling doesn’t require the knowledge you gain from a classroom. Maybe you bombed an interview, and your experience shows you that a different position would be your perfect fit. As you process your disappointment, you’ll find yourself moving closer to the decisions that’ll make your life better.

I’m not saying that the lessons that heartbreak teaches are easy to understand — they’re absolutely not. Sometimes these lessons are hard enough that they kick you to the ground and make you sob. Sometimes they make you feel like your world’s ending..

But every challenge that you endure will bring you to where you truly belong in life.

Right now, life feels overwhelming, and you just want the hard times to end. You wonder how much more you can take. But one day, you’ll realize that life feels good again, and you love every second of it. You’ll look around you and say, “Hey, I really made it.”

I know that day might seem far out of reach, but one day you’re going to see all of your heartbreak bring you to something wonderful. Life will feel like it finally “clicks,” and you’ll discover that you’re living your dream. That moment could be closer than you think, so keep going — you’ve got this

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