
Never eat these 5 foods before exercising unless you want stomach troubles

While these meals are healthy, eating them before working out can be unhealthy and disruptive to your exercise regime.

Foods affect the body in a variety of ways, particularly when we work out or play sports.

Some nutrients improve athletic performance and cause us to increase strength and energy, while others produce stomach trouble or tiredness.

Protein shakes should not be drank before working out [healthline]

Many people drink protein shakes before workouts to aid muscle growth and recovery, but they are not very beneficial as they are the last nutrient needed before exercising.

Rather eat carbs pre-workout for energy and digestion, as protein slows down digestion.

Puff puff is easy to make [activekitchen]

Fried foods like doughnuts, puff puff and chips can hinder blood flow during workouts. These foods are difficult to digest, causing blood to flow to the stomach for digestion and reducing blood flow to the arms and legs.

The body’s hard work to digest these foods can also make you feel lethargic. This can result in feeling like you’re giving 100% but may not be able to perform as many reps or run as fast.

Dairy products, containing protein and fat can agitate the gastrointestinal tract, especially during workouts in hot weather even if you are not lactose intolerant.

Avoid milk, cheese, and yoghurt when you are about to engage in a vigorous workout to avoid discomfort or vomiting.

Nuts and avocados [adobestock]

Although healthy, they are rich in monounsaturated fat and may not be useful for when you are about to workout, especially if consumed before cardio.

These fatty snacks can disrupt blood flow and cause nausea, heartburn, and bloating. They can leave you feeling heavy and slow during exercise.

Even though eating more fibre can improve gut health, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, it’s best to avoid fibre-rich cereals until after a workout, the body can’t absorb or digest fibre, so it passes through the gut and will make you want to poop.

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