
Two motorbike thieves set ablaze at Gomoa Dasum

Source The Ghana Report

Two unidentified men believed to be in their late 30s, have been lynched and set ablaze by an angry mob in the Central region for allegedly stealing a motorbike.

Their charred bodies were discovered in front of the Gomoa Dasum Community Center, sparking widespread condemnation.

According to Isaac Egyir Junior, Unit Committee Chairman for Gomoa Dasum, preliminary investigations revealed the men were brutally assaulted with stones and sticks by unknown residents before being set on fire.

“This is a worrying trend, and we urge the youth to desist from taking the law into their own hands,” Egyir said.

Nana Kojo Atta, Kyidomhene of Gomoa Dasum, echoed this sentiment, urging the youth to shun criminal activities.

“We can’t continue to lose lives like this. I appeal to the police to come for the bodies to avoid further problems for the community.”

This incident follows another disturbing case in the Central Region, where two students from Twifo Praso Senior High School (SHS) were arrested for lynching a spiritualist.

On Wednesday, August 21, the boys allegedly mobilised a group of friends to attack the spiritualist after he accused one of them of stealing a mobile phone.

A mobile phone belonging to one of the junior students reportedly went missing and the students consulted the spiritualist to help them identify the thief.

The spiritualist, identified as Abdul Latif, revealed that one of the suspects was behind the theft.

The suspect, who was angered by the accusation, mobilised some friends to attack Abdul Latif on two separate occasions.

After he overpowered them on both occasions, the students called for reinforcement from 10 more friends who ambushed and attacked Abdul Latif again.

This time, they subjected him to severe beatings and torture until he died.

They then dragged the body into a nearby bush and covered it with weed.

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