
Let’s stay true to the vision of our founding fathers – Bawumia

Source The Ghana Report

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has urged the younger generation to embrace the values and enduring principles of Ghana’s founding fathers to drive national growth and development.

Speaking at a seminar marking the 77th anniversary of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) in Accra, Dr. Bawumia encouraged the youth to draw inspiration from the resilience of these leaders.

“Let us uphold the values and principles that defined our struggle for freedom,” he said.

The event, themed “Our Tradition, Our Heritage,” was attended by the NPP Council of Elders and key party figures.

Dr. Bawumia emphasized the UGCC’s crucial role in Ghana’s path to independence.

“As we commemorate this historic occasion, we are reminded of the unwavering dedication and relentless efforts of our party’s founders whose legacy and principles guided us throughout our journey so far,” Dr Bawumia stated.

The UGCC was founded on August 4, 1947, in the historic town of Saltpond in the Central Region.

It was the Gold Coast’s first political party, created to free the people from British colonial rule and achieve sovereignty.

Dr. Bawumia noted that this date marked the beginning of self-governance in Ghana.

The pioneers behind the UGCC formation included J.B. Danquah, George Grant, and their colleagues.

The UGCC advocated self-government in the shortest possible time.

Dr Bawumia noted that the profound words inspired many to join the arduous struggle for power and the end of oppression, colonialism, and dictatorship.

“Their tireless efforts and demands for political reforms led to the 1948 riots, born out of the people’s quest for self-rule.

“The UGCC laid the groundwork for Ghana’s independence on March 6, 1957.The UGCC has been the cornerstone of political development in our history,” Dr Bawumia opined.

The NPP Flagbearer highlighted that the formation of the UGCC sparked the rise of political parties and increased political awareness among the people of the Gold Coast. He emphasized that the UGCC’s push for political reforms was pivotal in Ghana’s political history.

The lessons learned from the UGCC have significantly transformed the country’s political landscape, leading to the establishment of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and its predecessor parties.

“The NPP traces its roots back to the ideologies of the UGCC and has consistently built upon and developed these principles to suit the country’s needs, safeguarding the role of self-governance and striving for a better Ghana for all,” Dr Bawumia recalled.

He said the UGCC achieved significant milestones by championing democratic governance.

He stated that although the UGCC could not win power to govern,  its successor parties like the Progress Party under Prime Minister Busia and the New Patriotic Party under Presidents J. A. Kufour and Nana Akufo-Addo had the opportunity to implement the vision of the illustrious founders of the UGCC noble political tradition.

“We have achieved the vision of a free democratic Ghana in which the pursuit of liberty is cherished, the dignity of man is respected, and private capital and property are protected,” Dr Bawumia pointed out.

“It was the dream of the UGCC to create a Ghana where the freedom of the press is guaranteed so they may hold public officials accountable.

“I am proud to say that it was the antecedent party of the UGCC, which is the NPP which repealed the obnoxious Criminal Libel law when we came to Government in 2001.

“We have achieved the founding intention of the UGCC to create a free market economy in which the industry of man is rewarded based on hard work,” he stated.

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