
It has been a difficult time – Finance Minister empathises with Ghanaians

Source The Ghana Report

Finance Minister Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, has expressed sympathy for Ghanaians amid a difficult economic environment.

While presenting the Mid-Year Fiscal Policy Review in parliament on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, Dr Amin Adam said the past two years have been very challenging for all citizens, particularly the vulnerable.

He said the harsh economy has caused a high cost of living and a rising quest for employment opportunities among the youth that the government cannot provide.

Highlighting the various challenges plaguing Ghanaians, the Finance Minister also empathised with the entire nation.

“Mr. Speaker, the last two years have been extremely challenging globally, and Ghana has not been an exception. The difficult economic environment has truly affected businesses and families, particularly the vulnerable in our society.

“These challenges have severely affected households, increased the cost of living and limited the creation of job opportunities. Our young people continue to seek employment opportunities beyond what the State can provide. It has, indeed, Mr. Speaker, been a difficult time and I empathise with our entire fellow Ghanaians,” he said.

However, he said the government is hard at work to lessen the burden on the people of Ghana.

Dr Amin Adam added that the hard work is so far bringing positive results.

“Mr. Speaker, over the last two years, the Government has embarked on a number of decisive measures to get us back on the path of fiscal consolidation, economic stability and growth. I am happy to note that these policies that we have implemented are yielding the expected results,” he said.


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