
Chief Justice Throws Out Amidu’s Petition to Remove Special Prosecutor

The Chief Justice of Ghana, Gertrude Sackey Torkornoo, has reportedly rejected the petition filed by former Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu, seeking the removal of his successor, Kissi Agyebeng, from office.

Sources close to the matter within 3news have disclosed that Justice Torkornoo concluded that the petition submitted by Martin Amidu lacked the necessary factual and legal basis to establish a prima facie case for the removal of the current Special Prosecutor.

The petition raised concerns regarding alleged procurement breaches in the acquisition of vehicles by the Office of the Special Prosecutor. It also accused the office of abusing judges and highlighted purported violations of citizens’ rights through arrests and detentions.
Additionally, claims were made about infringements on the right to information and improper appointments within the Special Prosecutor’s office.

In her assessment, the Chief Justice found the grounds presented in the petition to be insufficient to meet the standards required to initiate proceedings for the removal of a public officer of Kissi Agyebeng’s stature.

There has been no official statement or response yet from either Martin Amidu or Kissi Agyebeng following the dismissal of the petition by the Chief Justice.

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