
Kodua Fokuo can head NIB as a parliamentary candidate – John Boadu insists

Source The Ghana Report

The Director-General of the State Interest and Governance Authority (SIGA), John Boadu, has expressed disappointment with the Minority Caucus in Parliament for kicking against the appointment of Tweneboah Kodua Fokuo as the Managing Director of the National Investment Bank (NIB).

According to him, the Minority’s disagreement with the appointment has no basis since Mr. Fokuo is very competent and possesses the requisite skills to manage the bank.

In a press statement, the Minority vehemently opposed the appointment of the NPP Parliamentary Candidate for Manso Nkwanta in the Ashanti Region as the bank’s MD.

Earlier, the Vice President of IMANI Africa, Bright Simons, raised the alarm over the appointment, questioning why the Bank of Ghana approved it considering that the MD would be engaged in rigorous campaigning for political office.

The Minority caucus believes such appointments undermine public trust in the government’s ability to manage national resources effectively.

However, the Director-General of SIGA, John Boadu, argues that it would have been a matter of concern if Mr Fokuo had lacked the qualifications to save the bank from collapse.

“We are all concerned about the health of NIB, and their financial situation is not very good as we speak. I will entertain any argument that says that by his experience and qualification, he is incapable of managing, restructuring NIB; but for the mere fact that he is a Parliamentary Candidate begs the question,” he said.

Additionally, Mr Boadu insists these arguments were out of place since some legislators double as heads of government institutions.

“We have Members of Parliaments who are ministers; with some of them holding ministries which are sensitive. We have a Finance Minister who is a Member of Parliament. He has been going for campaign. So I think that they can further come up with other reasons rather than just election. We even have a Vice President who is a presidential candidate,” he added.

Mr Tweneboa Kodua Fokuo, who until recently was the Deputy MD of the bank has taken over from the former MD, Samuel Sarpong who has led the NIB since 2019.

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