
Spare parts dealers accuse government of unfulfilled promises

Source Myjoyonline

Some spare parts dealers at Abbosey Okai have accused government of failing to honour its promise to improve their lives and businesses as stated in the 2019 budget.

The dealers indicated that they are not interested in Wednesday’s 2020 Budget reading since government will use it in the bid to say the economy is growing whereas it is not.

Speaking to Joy News’ Nancy Emefa Dzradosi, one spare part dealer said, “honestly, our problems are countless. When it is time for them to read the budget they say they have reduced this and that but when you go to the port to clear your goods they have not done anything.”

“This news about inflation and dollar reduction that they say it will reflect in our business here we are, nothing is happening,” he lamented.

Government led by Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, in April 2019 announced that there will be a reduction in benchmark value of import duties at all of the country’s ports.

This benchmark value of import duties was slashed by 50 per cent while importers of vehicles were to enjoy a 30 per cent.

This action by the current government had a reaction from the Minority Spokesperson on Finance, Casiel Ato Forson, who cast doubt that government’s decision to slash import duties by up to 50%, will materialise.

He predicted, that “a disappointed shop owner would tell Joy News some nine months after that ‘can you believe that when we went to clear our goods things were the same…it was even higher.’”

The agitated spare part dealers said buyers mostly assumed they are those pricing the items but in reality, promises of the government have not been implemented.

“We do not have money in our pocket but the Finance Minister will say it beautifully as if the money is in abundance but we don’t see it,” he said.

They added that the failed promises of government have negatively affected their business.

“When they are giving the account like that, for us, it is the money we have in our pockets that matters and at the moment, market is slow and things are not going well,” they stated.

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