
Alan, Abu Sakara could cause a stir

A political pundit pleading for anonymity concerning this report opines that the Movement For Change which Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen leads could be the sensation in the 2024 General Elections.

According to her, choosing between the two major political parties takes after the imagery of the devil and the deep blue sea, either way, would fail the people miserably as precedents reveal.

”The delegates of the two dominant parties have tied the hands of all Ghanaians to the hardships they face today and faced yesterday by choosing the same faces as their alternatives in the December 7th, 2024 general elections,” she queried.

The analyst says the Ghanaian electorate cannot claim legitimate complaints if they do not disappoint the two presumptive favorites in the next elections who by geographical strongholds continue to cling to power. ”The people must pass the litmus test by passing a massive vote of no confidence in the dominant political parties and declaring a strong desire for a new direction.”

She urges the Ghanaian electorate to show the duopolists the exit by voting for Alan Kyerematen and Dr Abu Sakara Forster who she claimed have the capacity to manage the economy prudently and breathe fresh air into the governance of Ghana.

Unfortunately, the political parties continue to pledge infrastructure and social amenities instead of direct measures to promote the well-being of each individual in the country.  The plight of the people remains despite the provision of infrastructure.

School fees, medical expenses, and rent challenge people, yet voters do not seek to cure the deficiencies with their thumbs. They are glued to political traditions that have solved little to nothing. The lack of admission beds in the hospitals and the road potholes are synonymous with Ghana.



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