
Cabinet approves $200 million facility for Accra Resilient and Integrated project – Oppong Nkurmah

Source The Ghana Report/Gloria KAFUI Ahiable

Information Ministry has revealed that cabinet has approved a $200 million credit facility for the Accra Resilient and Integrated project, aimed at addressing flooding and sanitation in the country.

The facility which is being contracted from the International Development Association (IDA) is expected to address flood, sanitation menace and improve access to basic infrastructure and services in the targeted communities in the country.

Speaking at the Mid-week briefs on Wednesday, Information Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah said the project would commence immediately the facility received parliamentary approval.

According to the sector minister, the project will mitigate the impact of flood risks, thereby enhancing economic and social development.

He indicated the project would be spearheaded by four ministries, namely; Works and Housing, Sanitation and Water Resources, Zongo Development and Local Government and Rural Development.

Mr Nkrumah explained that the Ministry of Works and Housing would use its share of the fund to handle drainage of key water outlets in Accra including the Odaw River while the ministry of Sanitation would be responsible for the construction of transfer stations and landfill site in the Greater Accra region.

He however, noted some of the intended outcomes includes; improve flood risk management, solid waste as well as capacity development.

“Solid waste management which has been a major Sanitation hurdle for Government will also be improved under the project. “Indiscriminate dumping of refuse and plastic waste will also be targeted through this funding arrangement and we expect that it will result in the reduction solid waste that end up in the ocean,” he said.

About 500,000 people from low income communities will benefit from the solid waste collection systems under the project, ” the minister noted.

Heavy rains recently have wreaked havoc in many parts of the country, especially in Accra.

In Kumasi, it claimed the life of a six-year-old boy and destroyed many properties.

In Cape Coast, the Central Region capital, farms were submerged and lectures at the University of Cape Coast were suspended on Wednesday.

Many urban areas in Ghana get flooded every time there is heavy rainfall and the Ghana Meteorological Agency has predicted that we are to expect more showers in the coming weeks.

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