
It has been my utmost honour to serve with you – Ofori-Atta to MoF staff

Source The Ghana Report

Former Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta has expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) staff for the numerous milestones achieved during his time in office.

In a letter of gratitude dated February 14, Mr Ofori-Atta commended the team for their resilience in weathering storms, overcoming challenges, and contributing to key victories for Ghana.

He also praised them for their unwavering commitment and positive energy, especially during the economic turbulence.

“Together, we have weathered storms, surmounted challenges, and won key battles for the Republic. Reflecting on our journey, I am reminded of the work we have together done through the seven Budget Statements we developed and implemented over the period.

“Once again, I thank you for your tireless service and commitment to excellence. It has been my utmost honour and a rare privilege to serve alongside each and every one of you,” he said.

He further encouraged them to uphold professionalism, ethics, efficiency, and responsiveness, envisioning a Ghana Beyond Aid.

The former minister asked the staff of MoF to support the newly appointed minister, Dr Amin Adam. to ensure the success of his tenure.

Expressing confidence in the new Finance Minister, Mr Ofori-Atta described him as a smart, humble, and inclusive leader.

“Let me state with all humility that nothing would honour me and the ‘Office of the Minister’ more than for you to work with renewed diligence to guide Hon. Amin and our nation to the successful execution of the IMF-ECF programme to promote economic growth and transformation.”

Below is Ofori-Atta’s letter to the staff of MoF 

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