
50 percent of all cocaine users will at some time attempt suicide.

Source The Ghana Report

The story title stems from a study conducted by Dr Robert O. Voy, a former medical chief of the United States Olympic Committee. He points out from statistics that 59 per cent of all cocaine users will eventually lose their jobs and destroy their careers. Worse yet, he notes that 50 per cent of all cocaine users will attempt suicide.

What many people don’t realize is that because cocaine is not just a narcotic but also one of the best stimulants known to man, it has replaced amphetamines as the preferred stimulant of users. Once upon a time, amphetamines were so common as if they were candy until cocaine made the inroads.

Cocaine is reported to be so addictive that experts claim many become addicted after just two hits. The drug is being pushed in the underworld society because of the unbelievable money involved.

The researcher made the definitive statement that cocaine addiction has no cure. He says the treatment works for a certain amount of time, but its addiction is an incurable disease. Emphasizing the issue, Dr Voy notes that the old snortable cocaine was a problem, but nothing compared to the crack or smokable cocaine, which is 99-95 per cent pure cocaine.

When used in a pipe or a bong, it reaches the brain in ten seconds, just as quickly as if one injected directly into the bloodstream. This sets the central nervous system in humans on fire.

Everything goes off following the intake of cocaine, which is what gives that tremendous high for about ten to twenty minutes. What that does is to block the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine, these elements having been fired off initially in one swoop of cocaine. A deficit situation occurs and impairs normal hormonal stimulation, and because of that, there is a tremendous crashing that follows.

It’s this tremendous high and this tremendous down that leads the individual to find more cocaine to get rid of that terrible feeling. In lieu of more cocaine, the addict may turn to alcohol or some other drug which could allay that terrible feeling.

An addict who strangely recollected his memories said, he once waited to shoot his counsellor with a loaded rifle but circumstances blocked the possible tragedy. The strong stimulant in the narcotic also causes leukaemia in addicts.

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