
The Asantewaa phenomenon

Christmas season is a phenomenal one, always. Whether it’s about the Christ birth, after which the season is named, the Winter Solstice, Addaekese, or mere merry at the end of the Gregorian Calendar. This December has not been different, particularly for Ghana. 

Ghana has been projecting its Tourism Industry for some years now, with a concentration of December on a global pedestal. This projection is anchored on the Year of Return. Subsequently Beyond the Return.

A host of activities are packaged and targeted at the diaspora community. A good plan, but the local tourism market must not be underestimated. Salvation cometh from home too.

Tourism is generally built on the history, art, culture and traditions of the people. The success or otherwise of such a humongous enterprise is dependent on how we bring our creativity and innovation to bear on the above facets.

Among the myriad of great components of history is the globally famous story of Yaa Asantewaa, the warrior who emerged in a critical period of despair. But for her courage and heroism, perhaps the Golden Stool story could have been different from its current history.

It is worthy of note that the name Asantewaa is the female version of Asante. Asante is the name of the sustained kingdom from the 17th century, though now an integral part of Ghana, a golden country with Herculean challenges presently.

As the sages say, there is something in a name. Asante is an aggregate of various ethnic groups in a spirit of Pan Africanism. United we stand! Asante literally means Because of War. Therefore the various ethnic groups united because of war. Yaa Asantewaa therefore personifies the Spirit or Energy of Asante with her warrior history of 1900.

123 years later in December, specifically on Christmas eve, another Asantewaa Spirit thrusts up! No less a warrior of global caliber just as Yaa Asantewaa against the then only superpower. Except this time the war is not with guns, knives, shields and other accoutrements, military warfare.

This Asantewaa spirit born on a Friday, audaciously stepped out to challenge the global record of a Sing-a-thon, set by Sunil of India. Both warfares of the Asantewaa Spirit though in different dimensions, have a lot in common circumstantially.

The first was in a period of hopelessness politically and economically. A great leadership vacuum and biting socioeconomic despondency characterized the national landscape of 1900. Today, same desperation of socioeconomic fibre coupled with lack of inspirational leadership persist.

With her beautiful appearance of Afrocentric Personality, Afua Asantewaa has gallantly inspired Ghana with sheer Audacity, Courage, Grit, Determination and Flair through her Singathon Challenge! The skeptical and cowardly elements who attempted to discourage her have evaporated. Some have even apologized to that effect!

For six days, Ghana has been united and infused with her Audacious Spirit. From Politicians to Musicians, Artists to Sportsmen, Judicial Elements to Business Gurus, Masses and Celebrities alike, have all trooped to the Akwaaba Village in Accra to concurrently energize her and tap her energy. Even before she is done, Asantewaa has by miles of hours shattered the standing record of 105 hours!

Perhaps two inspiring qualities stand out. Firstly, her motivation, glaringly has not been monetary. The Guinness Records don’t come with financial rewards. Just global recognition essentially.

Secondly, Afua Asantewaa has just reminded and inspired Ghana to look within, for all we need to ignite our fortunes is our local content.

Her simple but elegant Ghana made clothing, and the projection of 3000 Ghana songs are all her arsenals! Yet, she and Ghana are globally engaged for these last 120 plus hours! And this engagement will be sustained for a long time to come, not to talk of the immeasurable domino and resultant effect that will forever project us.

We already hear of contemplation by the authorities to name the venue, Akwaaba Village Asantewaa Akwaaba Village! Great. But it is expected that Ghana, both state and individuals will not be disappointing in equally motivating rewards for such a sterling feat!

Personally, I have proposed the naming of the roundabout containing the Shofar Monument yet to be unveiled after her.

Lastly, she has symbolically made a solid statement that the coming era of great promise will be generated by and from unexpected elements, not the so called big branded names. Ordinary things we put our hands to with full commitment will simply result in golden moments! Asantewaa has triggered the Warrior Spirit once again. Yaa’s ultimately contributed a major inspiration to our inevitable political independence. Let Afua’s inspire us to the critical creative and innovative norms needed for our Economic Independence!

Asantewaa and team, AYEKOO! Nkunim woho mayen!

The writer is a Sculptor.

29 December, 2023.

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