
Henry Kwabena Kokofu Could Be Decorated

At face value, the mention of his name is surprising for this came late in the day, but not too surprising in another breath. His qualities have been identified, and come up for a special mention.  Dr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, a former MP for Kumasi Bantama, and currently the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, Ghana, has been proposed in some quarters as a possible running mate to Dr Mahamudu Bawumia on the ticket of the ruling New Patriotic Party, NPP.

He carries some alluring qualities. As a party communicator, he comes across as a very mature and thoughtful person. Though partisan in presentations, his arguments are backed with clear examples. He does not sound vitriolic but is always focused on his deliveries which are importantly tailored to defend his party and explain its programmes.

He is cool and collected. His reactions are not emotionally tainted, though he exhibits the normal emotions that organize personalities for who they are. He is the typical Ashanti elder who is full of wisdom and allegoric statements being hallmarks of a mature person. His non-inflammatory statements marked by appeal to reason encourage people to accept his brand.

He has managed the EPA well. Environmental issues are scientific and complex. With the debate on climate change on the front burner, and Ghana having to deal with several pressing issues in the sector, his absolute understanding of the issues is a plus to him, his appointing authority, and the institution which he manages.

Dr. Kokofu is a founding member of the Lumba brothers’ music band which had Daddy Lumba and Nana Acheampong as lead vocalists. He was an instrumentalist (guitarist and organist) in their initial songs such as ”ye ya aka akwantuo mu.”

If the level-headed Dr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu is chosen as the running mate of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, that political ticket could quietly and steadily brace the storm. Being a good listener and making a rapid effort to solve problems always wins the day for those who throw their hats into the ring.



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