
OSP’s Cases Against Cecilia Dapaah Adjourned Sine Die

Source The Ghana Report

Cases by the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) against former Sanitation Minister Cecilia Abena Dapaah have been adjourned sine die.

This means the cases have been paused without setting a date for another hearing. In other words, it’s been paused for an indefinite period of time.

The OSP, in two separate posts on Wednesday, October 18, explained that this was because of the pending recusal petition against the trial judge Justice Edward Twum, presiding over all the cases.

The Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng had accused Justice Twum of bias against the office and him personally.

As of now, the OSP has two applications against the former minister Cecilia Dapaah — the declaration of property and income case and the freezing and seizure orders case.

Ms Dapaah’s court hurdles began when seven persons, including her house help, were hauled before the court for stealing $1 million,  €300,000, and other valuables from her residence.

The OSP subsequently filed a motion to freeze her bank accounts, and monies recovered after searching her residence.

Aside from the funds in her accounts, US$590,000 and over GH¢2.730,000 were also recovered from her residence on July 24.

The Accra High Court is yet to decide whether Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng can continue to hold Mrs Dapaah’s seized cash, which he has described as tainted.

Below is the update to that effect.

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