
Lives changed through experiencing new birth

People’s lives are changed and transformed as a result of experiencing the new life Jesus gives. In the Bible, we read about several people who met Jesus, believed His Good News, put their faith in Him and were transformed.

We see transformed people from diverse social statuses and cultural backgrounds. We will go over a number of examples.

Mary Magdalene’s life was transformed or changed. The life of Mary Magdalene, or Mary from Magdala, is one of the most beautiful stories of transformation and true discipleship. Jesus freed her from demon possession. He had cast out seven demons from her (Mark 16:9). Gratitude for the new life she experienced in Christ marked her life. She became a faithful follower of Jesus and a financial supporter of Him and the 12 Apostles in their evangelistic outreaches and ministry (Luke 8: 2-3).

Mary Magdalene was present at Golgotha, and at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified and died. She was present when He was buried (Matthew 27: 55-56, 61; Mark 15:40-47; John 19:25). She was among the first to be told about Jesus’ resurrection. And to cap it all, she was the first to see the resurrected Jesus who called her by name, “Mary!” (Matthew 28:9-10; Mark 16:9-11; John 20: 1-2, 11-18). Mary Magdalene was, indeed, ransomed, delivered, forgiven, restored; and lived a fully functional life of a transformed disciple.

The life of Zacchaeus was transformed. He was a tax collector for the Government in Rome and got rich from dubious tax collection practices. He eagerly wanted to see Jesus when He was in town. Therefore, he climbed a tree to rise above the teeming crowd to see Him.

Jesus got to where he was and called out to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay in your house today.” In his house, Jesus said to him, “Today, salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham- for the son of man came to seek and to save the lost.” Jesus called Zacchaeus to a new life. Zacchaeus repented from his evil tax collection practices and paid back everyone! (Luke 19:1-10). He became a transformed person.

Nicodemus’ life was transformed. He was a member of the ruling Council in Jerusalem and a leading Pharisee. He didn’t want to be seen in the company of Jesus. So he came to Christ at night. Jesus engaged Nicodemus in a discussion on critical faith matters and challenged him, “You must be born again” (John 3:7).

Nicodemus was later to be the person to defend Jesus when His case came up in the Council. After the crucifixion, he asked for Jesus’s body and helped to bury Him; revealing his commitment to Jesus (John 3:1-21, 7:50-52, 19:38-41).

The Samaritan woman’s life was transformed. She did not have a good reputation. She came to draw water at Jacob’s well. Jesus commented on challenges in her moral lifestyle, and then offered her living water and a new life.

She responded in faith. After this, she ran back to the village to tell others, “Come and see the one who told me everything I ever did…Come meet the Messiah.” And they came out to meet Jesus (John 4:1-42). Her encounter with Jesus resulted in her being totally transformed. How do we meet Jesus today? Mostly through the preaching of the Good News about the new life Jesus gives; and through the reading of His word. But today, Jesus still appears in dreams and visions. Have you yet met Jesus and have you been changed by Him?

The woman caught in adultery experienced forgiveness and relief at the hands of Jesus. This woman was brought by the Jewish leaders for judgment. Stoning to death was the expected punishment. But Jesus, writing in the sand, asked any accuser without sin to throw the first stone. When they all walked away, Jesus told the woman to go and sin no more (John 8: 1-11). “The world judged her and said her sin was beyond pardon. But the judgments of heaven are often different from those of men.”

The life of Thomas was transformed. He had a thinking, questioning mind. Thomas doubted the other Apostles when they told him Jesus had come back to life and visited them. When Jesus later visited the Apostle again, He picked out Thomas and asked him, “Put your finger here and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side.” Deeply, convicted Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:19-29).

Martha, the sister of Lazarus, was a transformed woman, a true disciple. She made a most profound confession of faith in Christ. In her difficult moment of grief, Jesus came to visit the family: Martha said to Jesus, “Lord if only you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask.” Jesus told her, “Your brother will rise again.

“Yes,” Martha said, “he will rise when everyone else rises, at the last day.” Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this, Martha?” “Yes, Lord,” she told him. “I have always believed you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the One who has come into the world from God. (John 11: 21-27).

Saul, who became Paul the Apostle, brilliant, scholarly and zealous, met Jesus and was never the same again. He responded to Jesus’ call and specific commission to him. He would later tell his own transformation story before King Agrippa. (Acts 26:4-23).

Jesus still saves. Jesus still transforms people who repent and believe in Him. Jesus says, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10b ESV).

The author is a consultant in authentic Christian Spirituality and Discipleship and former CEO of Scripture Union

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