
NCC to educate GH musicians on values of creativity

The Director for Policy Planning, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation at the National Commission on Culture (NCC), Dr Richardson Commey Fio has disclosed plans by the Commission to start a campaign to raise funds to educate Ghanaian musicians about the value of their creativity.

In a conversation recently, Dr Commey said the initiative would deal with issues relating to copyright, and intellectual property rights, among others.

“The NCC has increased advocacy and sensitisation among creatives and the general public.

“The NCC is also in the process of securing external funding that will be invested into empowering artistes across the country on how instrumental their creativity could be in the development of our country.

“The project will address issues of copyright, intellectual property rights, freedom of expression, and promotion of artistic freedom and status of artistes.

Mr Commeyfio also condemned profane songs as the cause of rising unethical behaviours in society.

He said the production of immoral music was unethical and undermined the proper values of the country.

He disclosed that the NCC would be working closely with the office of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, National Communications Authority, National Media Commission, Office of the Copyright Administrator, MUSIGA, GHAMRO, members of the academic community to build the capacity of artistes to curb the growing menace.


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