
Asiedu Nketia chokes on NDC campaign message for 2020

Source Adomonline.com

Barely a year to the 2020 elections, the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is yet to come out with its policies to govern the State should it win the elections.

The party’s lack of vision and ideas, according to the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), explains why it [NDC] is unable to come out with alternative plans.

But, General Secretary of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia said it is part of their campaign strategy to keep their juicy packages to their chest.

What is most important, he explained, is to expose the rot under the NPP government and make it public for Ghanaians to see and make their own judgement.

“We are saving the best for last but what is important to us is to make the people know what is wrong with the system before we bring the solution,” he said on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem, Thursday.

General Mosquito, as he is popularly called, noted that given the socio-economic conditions in the country, it is obvious Ghanaians are tired of the NPP.

Mr Nketia maintained that the pre-occupation of the NDC is to ensure Ghanaians see the unbridled corruption in government.

“If someone is not convinced that something is wrong then the need for change does not arise,” he added.

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