
Ignore Dream Stealers

Don’t let anyone talk you out of your vision.

There are people who will try to talk you out of your vision.

They will tell you that you are crazy and it can’t be done. There will be those who will laugh at you and try to bring you down to their level.

Such people are called dream killers. Don’t listen to them.

When a boy was in High School, his teacher gave the class the assignment to write about what they wanted to do when they grew up. The boy wrote that he wanted to own his own 200-acre ranch and raise Thoroughbred racehorses.

His teacher gave him an F and explained that the grade reflected that he deemed his dream unrealistic.

No boy who was living in a camper on the back of a pickup truck would ever be able to amass enough money to buy a ranch, purchase breeding stock, and pay the necessary salaries for ranch hands.

When the teacher offered the boy the chance of rewriting his paper for a higher grade, the boy told him, ”You keep the F; I am keeping my dream.”

Today the boy’s 154-acre flag is up, and he raises Thoroughbred racehorses and trains hundreds of horse trainers in a more humane way to ”join up” with and train horses.

”Create your future from your future, not your past ” – Werner Erhard

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