
Secret till casket or confide at risk of spread?

Justice called into Joy FM‘s Drive Time show because he has no one to talk to. Justice is married, had issues, and was on his way to committing suicide.

He has no one to just listen to him without judging him. Whatever the issue was, he couldn’t trust anybody to have a simple conversation with or vent to.

And I am sure there are many Justices out there who can’t afford therapy or a psychologist, so they pass on due to stress.

Why can’t we be our brother’s keepers just like God advised? Why do you judge instead of listening and providing a safe place for the other?

Suicide caused mostly by depression is on the rise because of petty gossip, society forcing comparative success down the youth’s throat, everyone wanting to be followed, no one wanting to serve anymore, and don’t get me started with everyone wanting to be rich at all costs.

People find joy in talking others down just to look good, and you wonder why no one is having a conversation with or confiding in their neighbors?

We, as a society, have to work collectively to ensure everyone is safe, which means learning to keep your neighbours’ secrets and learning not to judge but to accept if you can help the person.

Luther: The fallen sun starring Idris Elba to some extent is a great eye-opener on why some people commit suicide or get depressed. It’s mostly things that people are ashamed of, they don’t want anyone to know, because when it finds itself out for some reason the judgmental eyes alone can cause one to die.

If the person is lucky enough to be mentally strong, they pretend to go through the rest of their lives happy! Be the change you want to see ok. Talk to someone and make sure you are someone anyone can talk to without fear.  Gospel music too can be trusted.

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