
Let’s support our entrepreneurs especially the females

The Vice President of the U.S.A. Kamala Harris visited Ghana few days ago and as part of her speech,she stated that “the median age on the continent of Africa is 19. Think about what that means in terms of potential,” she said. “Think about the fact that by 2050, one in four people occupying a place on Mother Earth will be on this continent, and what that means.”

Indeed, the youth is the hope and future of every society and the fact that Africa has a higher concentration of the youth in comparison with Europe that has an ageing population and others. I believe the time is opportune to transform our fate as Africans.

Even though our continent is the most resourced, it has mostly seen poverty on different level. The albatross of bad leadership (resource curse), neo- colonialism has installed a system where the youth have been rendered less useful to themselves and their continent.

Youth unemployment is still a big challenge for Ghanaians and Africans. We have woven for ourselves a long winding educational system that doesn’t prepare most school goers to be employable nor become self-employed.

Moreover, there are little or no jobs for even the employable ones. It is common to hear our politicians and successful businessmen repeat the rhetoric that the youth should be entrepreneurs and be hardworking. But our policy makers and leaders haven’t really provided support systems to make entrepreneurship easier and attractive to the youth.

At the peak of the recent inflation and galloping prices of goods and services, I watched many businesses by young entrepreneurs fold up painfully without a chance to stage a comeback. Most notably is a cold store business run by a young man.He has taken a facility from a bank which he now stands little or no chance servicing.

I am still in shock that in the past days, an accomplished businessman’s company was disconnected from the major power grids for owing as much as 300,000GH in utility bills. If businessmen of such high pedestals still face such challenges, it tells you that being an entrepreneur in Ghana is no walk in the park. It is not for the faint hearted even though some have the elegance of making it look easy. Staying in business, paying your staff and being competitive is a skill to hone and truthfully, only few have this and must be applauded for it.

I believe women who achieve this feat must be given a standing ovation and supported to succeed as we live in a society where women have been relegated in the social structure and yet have always been the pivot of our society from time immemorial.

Brigham Young’s words, made popular in Ghana by Kwegyir Aggrey goes If “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” It is also a fact that when you empower a woman,you empower a generation or multitudes. Let’s make it an affirmative action to support our women entrepreneurs as it is a rugged terrain in Ghana.

I will like to call your attention to “SpecX varieties”.A natural fruit juice producer with an impressive package that is making a difference on shelves, homes and events nationwide.

Madam Jennifer Boah has grown a thick skin, weathered the storm and ready for more growth and expansion. She believes Ghana will succeed and she will also be part of that success story.

Long live Mother Ghana

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